Just Enter The Trophy Winners
And The Program Does Everything
But Hand Them Out
Nobody looks forward
to this awesome annual task, And it is usually someone new each year that
must learn the job from scratch. This program keeps a running inventory
and recipient history of each trophy, the criteria for winners, the deeds
of gift, and a photo of the perpetual trophy itself.
Maintains permanent records of perpetual trophy winners and automatically
generates web pages displayed in four ways for easy searching. Trophy
recipients will never be forgotten. Check
it out.
Creates recipeint lists for the awards night presentations in any order.
The most efficient way is to present all the awards for each boat at the
same time. The program generates a list of awards/boat. Check
it out.
Just enter the
list of winners each year, and the program is ready to go.
The program automatically
generates the trophy order
A Complete Demo
Of This Program Showing All Of Its Features Is Under Construction